The Frank J. Macchiarola Digital Archive


Special Papers 1981 Special Papers 1981 Special Papers 1981

In this speech, delivered before the Urban Superintendents' Conference on July 16, 1981, Dr. Macchiarola outlines some of the programs and reforms he undertook in the school system that were to become part of his legacy as Chancellor.



He instituted a new promotional policy that required 4th and 7th graders to pass standardized tests before being promoted to the following grade level.  Those who did not pass would be placed in summer classes in order to achieve the next grade level.  Explaining this program he states "The new promotional policy is intended to press further our basic theme of accountability and adequate service. When complete, the student will also have the knowledge that he has in fact accomplished something and has not been advanced simply because it is standard operating procedure."



He also points out that one of the challenges in providing quality education to NYC school children is "the scarcity of resources and the deterioration of the City's basic services and capital infrastructure."  Other challenges he mentions are a lack of "confidence of parents, business and government in our ability to provide effective educational programs for our children."